Guides of Seeds and Bulbs.

Germination Guide Of bulbs Given Bleow:

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 (Update in dec 2023 )

Shorts Of Qulities 

Seeds Germination Guides

Small seeds

Large seeds

Hard Seeds


Flower Bulbs Caring and Tips and some useful note.

 Variety: Choose bulbs suitable for your climate, ensuring they can withstand the winter chill or summer heat.

 Varietal Selection: Research and choose bulbs based on bloom time, height, color, and fragrance preferences.

 Quality Suppliers: Purchase bulbs from reputable suppliers to ensure quality and reliability.

Planting Time

Soil Preparation Timing: Prepare the soil well in advance of planting to allow amendments to integrate.

Climate Adaptation: Adjust planting times based on microclimates within your garden and local climate variations.

Site Selection:

Microclimate Awareness: Observe microclimates within your garden, noting variations in sunlight, wind exposure, and temperature.

Soil Testing: Conduct thorough soil testing to understand nutrient levels and pH, ensuring optimal conditions.

Soil Preparation:

Organic Amendments: Incorporate well-decomposed organic matter, such as compost or aged manure, for improved fertility.

Soil Aeration: Use a garden fork or tiller to aerate the soil, promoting better drainage and root development.

 Planting Depth:

Planting Depth: Specific Bulb Guidelines: Follow precise recommendations for each bulb variety regarding planting depth.

Uniformity: Maintain a consistent planting depth for a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing display.


Growth Considerations: Space bulbs based on their mature size to avoid overcrowding and competition.

Design Aesthetics: Plan bulb spacing with an eye for design, considering color contrasts and complementary pairings.


Deep Watering: Water deeply after planting to settle the soil and encourage root establishment.

Consistent Moisture: Provide consistent moisture during the growing season, adjusting based on weather conditions.

Avoid: Avoid over watering its make rooting diseases and bulbs starting to spoil.


Mulch Composition: Choose mulch materials that benefit the soil, such as well-rotted compost, straw, or shredded bark.

Mulch Thickness: Apply an adequate layer of mulch to retain moisture and regulate soil temperature.


Pre-Planting Fertilization: Apply a balanced fertilizer before planting, ensuring essential nutrients are available.

Monitoring Nutrient Levels: Regularly monitor soil nutrient levels to address deficiencies or excesses promptly.


Sturdy Supports: Invest in sturdy supports appropriate for the eventual height and weight of the bulbs.

Installation Timing: Install supports early in the growing season to provide ample support before flowering.


Selective Removal: Deadhead spent flowers selectively to avoid disturbing developing buds.

Foliage Considerations: Balance deadheading with preserving foliage until it naturally senesces, supporting bulb nourishment.

Winter Care:

Mulching Strategies: Adjust mulching practices based on winter severity, providing additional protection in colder climates.

Lifting Tender Bulbs: For tender bulbs, lift carefully, remove excess soil, and store in a cool, dry location.

Pest and Disease Control:

Integrated Approach: Implement integrated pest management (IPM) strategies, combining cultural, biological, and chemical controls.

Early Intervention: Regularly scout for pests and diseases, intervening early to prevent widespread issues.


Appropriate Species: Choose bulbs known for naturalizing tendencies, such as snowdrops, crocuses, and daffodils.

Tolerate Natural Appearance: Allow for a more natural appearance, embracing the charm of self-propagating bulbs.

 Lifting and Dividing:

Division Timing: Choose the right time for division, typically every 3-5 years or when overcrowding becomes apparent.

Careful Handling: Handle bulbs carefully during division, ensuring minimal damage to roots and scales.

Specific Bulb Care:

Varied Approaches: Tailor care practices based on the specific needs and characteristics of each bulb type.


  • Prepare the garden bed using a garden fork or tiller to loosen the soil to a depth of 8 to 10 inches before applying Bulbs, Or fill the prepared soil in the direct pot and plant the bulb in it.
  • Use 5% cocopeat / 30% vermicompost / 40% soil/ 25% sand of good germination.
  • And mix well. Bulbs should be placed at least 5 to 8 inches deep.
  • Keep in mind while applying bulbs – the larger the size of the bulb, the deeper the hole and set the bulb in it.
  • When the bulbs plant becomes slightly bigger, then they can add more soil.
  • Keep in mind that the pointed end of the bulbs should be towards the top. And then take some soil and cover the bulb.
  • All bulbs will grow in a few days.
  • Immediately after applying the bulbs, a little water is required. So that the bulbs set well.


All bulbs require a low of water.

Adding more water causes fungus in the bulbs which causes the bulb to deteriorate and the bulb does not sprout.

Then until the bulb has sprouting, water should be applied 1 time in 1 week in the bulbs.

After that you can add water 2 to 3 times a week. (According to your pot or planter, no plants should be watered until the soil is completely dry.)

And after plants are 4 to 5 inches long, you should put vermicompost every 20 to 25 days on 50 to 100 grams per square foot.

When the flowering time comes to the plants, you should use fertilizer (NPK) once a month, which leads to a good growth of the flowers.

Additional Tips:

Companion Planting: Experiment with companion planting, pairing bulbs with other plants that benefit each other.

Observation and Adaptation: Continuously observe your garden, noting successes and challenges, and adapt practices accordingly.

Community Resources: Engage with local gardening communities, attend workshops, and seek advice from experienced gardeners.

By incorporating these detailed practices into your flower bulb gardening, you'll create a thriving and visually stunning garden space

Preventive Measures: Spraying fungicide before planting is a good preventive measure, protecting bulbs from soil-borne diseases.

More Details of Different Type of Bulbs

Gladiolus Qualities imported Bulbs

The Gladiolus bulbs we've imported from Holland are of a smaller size but are guaranteed to provide 100% flowering. These bulbs come in unique colors, part of an effort to build a diverse collection in India. The smaller size of these bulbs doesn't mean they are of lower quality; in fact, they are robust and will flower in any condition.

These bulbs have been imported with the collaboration of growers, and despite being smaller and more cost-effective, they are expected to produce healthy and impressive flowers in any condition season. The unique color varieties make them stand out. It's highlighted that these bulbs, even though smaller will reliably flower, and the growers have observed that, unlike larger bulbs that may need more food and energy storage, these smaller bulbs consistently perform well.

Moreover, these bulbs are intended for multiple crops, they are expected to grow larger, providing sturdy stems and big, beautiful flowers. You encourage users not to worry and to trust in the quality of these bulbs. If anyone has concerns or feedback, we welcome them to reach out for assistance. our aim is to provide quality, and we assure users that we are here to help address any issues or queries.

Mostly common question answer to the customer

Q1. Small Bulbs Received?

"The size of flower bulbs is determined by their color, and as a result, all our bulbs come in a mix of sizes—both small and large. It's essential to understand that the size variation doesn't mean a bulb won't flower or is of poor quality. We want to assure you that our bulbs go through rigorous testing and are in a rested state, ensuring their quality and reliability.

Regardless of the size, our bulbs are tested and trusted. we can have confidence in the quality of our bulbs, and rest assured that they are capable of producing beautiful flowers. If you have any concerns or questions, our team is here to assist you. We prioritize transparency and want to provide you with the best information for your gardening needs."

Q2. Why i am not getting flower ?. 

answer avilable soon

Contact Details

38/18 A shakti nagar Delhi 110007

Ph- 8588922922 , 8178757849
